Postfix の SMTP 認証の設定(Dovecot認証)


Ubuntu 対応

前提条件 Postfix でのメール送受信、Dovecot (IMAP) での取得が可能であることが前提です。
また、Postfix はバージョン 2.3 以降が対象となります。
Postfix のバージョンが上記よりも低い場合はsaslauthdによるSMTP認証も可能です。

Postfix 側の設定



smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot
smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth
smtp_sasl_security_options = 
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes

Note ・smtp_sasl_security_options の値を空にするのは初期設定では平文 (PLAIN) 認証が許可されないためです。
・Postfix の SMTP 認証 (permit_sasl_authenticated) は初期設定では smtpd_relay_restrictions で行っています。
smtpd_relay_restrictions = permit_mynetworks permit_sasl_authenticated defer_unauth_destination
もし smtpd_relay_restrictions を変更している場合は、permit_sasl_authenticated が指定されているかを確認してください。

Dovecot 側の設定

10-master.conf で Postfix smtp-auth 設定のコメントを解除して user と group を追加します。


service auth {
  # auth_socket_path points to this userdb socket by default. It's typically
  # used by dovecot-lda, doveadm, possibly imap process, etc. Users that have
  # full permissions to this socket are able to get a list of all usernames and
  # get the results of everyone's userdb lookups.
  # The default 0666 mode allows anyone to connect to the socket, but the
  # userdb lookups will succeed only if the userdb returns an "uid" field that
  # matches the caller process's UID. Also if caller's uid or gid matches the
  # socket's uid or gid the lookup succeeds. Anything else causes a failure.
  # To give the caller full permissions to lookup all users, set the mode to
  # something else than 0666 and Dovecot lets the kernel enforce the
  # permissions (e.g. 0777 allows everyone full permissions).
  unix_listener auth-userdb {
    #mode = 0666
    #user =
    #group =

  # Postfix smtp-auth
  #unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth {
  #  mode = 0666

  # Auth process is run as this user.
  #user = $default_internal_user


service auth {
  # auth_socket_path points to this userdb socket by default. It's typically
  # used by dovecot-lda, doveadm, possibly imap process, etc. Users that have
  # full permissions to this socket are able to get a list of all usernames and
  # get the results of everyone's userdb lookups.
  # The default 0666 mode allows anyone to connect to the socket, but the
  # userdb lookups will succeed only if the userdb returns an "uid" field that
  # matches the caller process's UID. Also if caller's uid or gid matches the
  # socket's uid or gid the lookup succeeds. Anything else causes a failure.
  # To give the caller full permissions to lookup all users, set the mode to
  # something else than 0666 and Dovecot lets the kernel enforce the
  # permissions (e.g. 0777 allows everyone full permissions).
  unix_listener auth-userdb {
    #mode = 0666
    #user =
    #group =

  # Postfix smtp-auth
  unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth {
    mode = 0666
    user = postfix
    group = postfix

  # Auth process is run as this user.
  #user = $default_internal_user

Postfix を再起動

# systemctl restart postfix

Dovecot を再起動

# systemctl restart dovecot

公開日時:2024年03月24日 18:33:06
最終更新日時:2024年03月25日 00:29:58


